Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Two addendums...

Today, I was told something that I found interesting...
"People will only change when staying the same is harder than making the change."
That rings true to me! AND, go figure, AOL caught on and found some experts to help my friends:

The Pursuit of Happiness: Six Experts Tell What They've Done to Achieve It - AOL News

Happy Jan2!

Today's note: When I stepped on the scale tonight, I had gained 1.0 lbs over my drunken holiday. My WW leader said "Was it worth it?" I thought about it and said "Yes" and he said, "Well there you go then. We have nothing to talk about until next week!"


Anonymous said...

Excellent! You had a pound of fun. Happy Jan. 2!

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

I don't know, one pound doesn't sound like much fun. Now five pounds, that was a good time.


I had 2.6 pounds of fun over the holiday!!

cmeddie said...
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cmeddie said...

DD - That is ONE way to put it. I like it.

AML - If that one pound is all alcohol, it's fun. (Oh yea and a fried pickle.)

Denty - You MUST have had more fun that me then! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that quote! very powerful, indeed.

Anonymous said...

1 pound is water retention (or maybe alcohol retention). One good pee or vomit and it'll be gone. :)

cmeddie said...

Glad you like jlee

Dan, it's all alcohol. I wish I would have just gone all out and puked NYE! ;)