Monday, June 26, 2006

Ughhh... I really wish there would be day sometime soon, where I wake up on the "right" side of the bed - which for me would be the left side if you want to get technical. Lately, I have been very cranky. I can't help it. And then, typically, my day gets worse as it goes on. Until I collapse in that same bed, enterting from the right side, and not getting enough sleep.

I always get out of bed on the right side, because the left side is not near the door. I think tomorrow, i am getting out on the left side... just to change it up.

I think I am going to spend lunch working out too... because there isn't any other time to do it! We'll see how that works out for me.


cmeddie said...

PS, I didn't work out. I ate french fries and a grilled cheese.


SRR said...

Oh well....there's ALWAYS tomorrow! And btw...out a title to your damn post!

I think you're fabulous!

cmeddie said...

what the hell does "out a title" mean. How might one do that?


Just drink about 5 long island ice teas at the title's friend's wedding and then tell all of title's old friends that title is a lesbian and in love with footnote and has been since they first came together for that term paper in high school

cmeddie said...

I think you had to many LIITs tonight!!! Go to Bed!

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

"Pssst, did your hear the title is a lesbian?" Hee hee