Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow...

I lied. Don't let it snow. Eff the snow. 6 inches in about 5 hours in Ohio is insane. Not to mention straight through rush hour, which happened to begin at noon today because of the all-out snow panic. (Please note: I did stop for milk... and Cookie Crisp. I didn't want to be "snowed in" without them. Priorities!) As expected, the grocery was frantic.

So I got home around 3:30 because work told us all to
leave (nice.) I shoveled when I got home, because I knew more snow was coming and shoveling 6-9 inches was harder than 2-3 inches a few different times. (I was using my noggin.) Not to mention at 3:30, it was 9 degrees, and I knew later in the day or tomorrow morning it would be 0 degrees, which is way less fun to hang out in and shovel.

Then around 5:30, I looked out and decided it was time
for round two. Here is the before image:
So, like any good shoveler... I started at the garage door and worked my way out of the house to the curb. pushing all snow to the sides, not the street. It went pretty fast. WHY? Well, because I am good (obviously) and because it was 9 degrees and I was getting snowed on (duh.) So I finished it in like 30 minutes. By the time I finished, however, I had to shovel my path back to the garage. See below:

Yea, so then I threw salt. That worked well. See below:

And here I am now, back online, with another 2 inches outside, looking harder for vacation packages, and pre-heating my heating blanket for a long winter's nap!

Happy Feb6 folks!

Sweet dreams... of warm weather and scuba diving...

PS - - Bob, please excuse the delay... I was shoveling. Here are the 6 normal things about me...
1. I put my pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else.
2. I hate traffic and stupid drivers.
3. I love to people watch and point out bad behaviors, hair issues and 80s clothing to make me feel better about myself.
4. I have some debt.
5. I have a great group of friends, and family is important to me.
AND last but not least... number 6. I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends - on here, and in "real life"...

Aren't those all pretty "normal" things?



I am soooo sick of the cold....all the damn schools here have been closed for 2 days.....no, not b/c of snow....b/c poor little kiddies cant stand the cold. SUCK IT UP KIDDIES!!! Whats everyone do on a snow day you ask? Well, apparently they ALL decide to go to the damn dentist. Fuckin cold.

Stephanie said...

"LET IT SNOW"????? What kind of inane nonsense is that? Thanks to your careless musings, IT LET SNOW. Hmph!

Dan-O said...

Sweet live action shots. It was like one of those flip books where you can actually see the image move

Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

ummm wait I am trying to shake the water out of my ears from swimming at the pool today...be right back!

Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

OK I am back what were You saying??...

WAIT be right back let me get some visine for my eyes, they are pretty RED from the chlorine...I am seing WHITE SPOTS on your PHOTOS

Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

ok BACK...hmm maybe its my EYES...

BUT is that what I think it is, a four letter word called "S_ _ W" (YIKES) don't know how you people deal with that crap :-(


LOLOL thanks for the NORMAL list you such a NORMALO --hahah I will say that WEIRDO sounds so much better then NORMALO ...isn't that weird--lol

Hey Make me a SNOW ANGEL--hehe



Unknown said...

And here I am, in Tennessee, wishing we would get snow like that. I'm from Ohio, Leavittsburg, which most people have never heard of, and we used to get some serious snow and I LOVED it! Here, if they THINK it's going to snow, everyone goes for milk and bread and the schools close. Ah, the good ole' days. I took Driver's Ed in the snow.

What part of Ohio are you from?

by the way, love the pictures.

Dan-O said...

Just read back into my Blog Tiners. Your comment about McCain...I could go for that. We'll just have to wait and see how the tide rolls out. Ms. Bubba just scares the hell out of me.

JLee said...

You're going to smack me, but I miss snow so much! We don't get any here, and I grew up in Illinois. Maybe just a day or two would be fun. Oh well, it's still cold and nasty here..in the 30s today.

Unknown said...

Did you build a snowman? Make a snow angel?

I'm done with snow. It's February. I don't need any more. And I'm done with the cold, too.

cmeddie said...

Sorry folks. I am WAYYYY behind... here goes.

Toothy: I went the the dentist this week. I had a filling in number 7 get a hole in it, and had to be fixed. It was easy as pie. Cold sucks.

Doc: I said it after the fact, no blaming that on me. And I took it back in the first sentence

Dan-o: Thanks Man. I am to please.

Bob: I have avoided the February Blues thus far, you aren't helping. Please refrain from using the words sun, warm, sand, pool, beach, and anything 50+ degrees - - - or you may be banned from the blog for the next month.. ;)

Bina: Welcome. We are in the good 'ol conservative SE corner of the state. Where the Bengals get arrested and the Reds tease us with off-season acquires. Oh, drivers Ed... I think you inspired my next blog topic.

Dan-o: Amen, again.

JLee: Trade ya for the month of Feb. Deal?

DD: Heck no. It was too cold. I agree. I am ready for it to go away!

Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

TINA Said: Please refrain from using the words sun, warm, sand, pool, beach, and anything 50+ degrees - - - or you may be banned from the blog for the next month..

ok sorry, it's CLEAR SKY's here today and MILD 74 only :-( I may have to GO into the Heated (hmm I can't say POOL) umm WATER to Bring my temperature to a NICE "Nap" level then SLEEP in the MILD Blue SKY BREEZES for an hour....ahhhhhhhhhhh then off for a long RUN to Sweatttttttttttttt -lol

getting sleepy typing this)



Dr.Alistair said...

snow sucks.......try riding a bike in it.

bubba`s bitch scares me.....and i live in canada.

Dan said...

Are you kidding? Snow is GREAT. I LOVE snow. Well, OK, not too much, but just a little ... the right amount to make my car swerve into oncoming traffic on backroads.

Hmmm ... I guess you're right. Eff the frigging snow! :)

Dan-O said...

More Is Coming!!! 14" by Tues.


Cincy rules!! I will come visit someday.....maybe.

cmeddie said...

Bob: You think you are funny, don't you. OFFICIALLY BANNED. you said pool, even if you weren't trying to. ;)

Dr. A - NO kidding.And yea, she is scary, but she won't win. America isn't ready. i am not scared.

Dan, my sentiments exactly.

Dan-o, I know. I know.