Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Things I learned from Def Leppard and Journey...

1. Journey's "fake" lead singer didn't even look like he was born back when they first started touring. Something about that seems "wrong."

2. He also had REALLY bad rocker moves... I mean REALLY bad! And, he wasn't even Steve Perry's replacement. He was the BACK-UP for his replacement. If you are going to pay to see people in concert, they should, in fact, be those people.

3. I am not a rocker. My boss is a rocker. See below.

4. Anyone can play the "air guitar," even if they don't know how to play a real one.

5. A large contingency of lesbians in Columbus find Journey and Def Leppard to be fine entertainment for a Sunday night.

6. Journey is eons better than Def Leppard. (Duh people.)

7. Pictures of drunk coworkers are always funny.

8. Iron Maiden vests are totally HOTT!

9. People still buy band t-shirts and paraphanalia. The lines are forever long. Who knew? I mean who could pass up those band-branded bedazzled thongs! (Please note: the majority of the audience members should never be wearing or seen in a thong.)

10. Journey took the idea of "Hold(ing) onto that feeling" too far by trying to come up with new music these days.

11. One-armed drummers are very impressive!

12. People watching at hair-band concerts is good freaking stuff!

The end.


The Absent Minded Landlord said...

Def Lepard + Journey = girl-on-girl action. Who knew?

Dan-O said...


Stephanie said...
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cmeddie said...

Dr Steph, I had to "edit" your post... Sorry.

Dan-O said...

Where are your new posts? I think you're off and have become a roadie for Def Leppard.


Yeah, I'm sick of this post dammit!!!
5 DAYS TIL DRUNKFEST 06!!! woohoo!