Friday, December 29, 2006

Back to regular programming...

Well, I decided to go to Dayton last night to visit my friend and her husband. They always make me smile. So we went to dinner and we chatted about life and stuff. It was nice.

I was trashed. I could NOT stop laughing.

The waiter kept yelling at me for dropping my napkin on the floor, but he still gave me a free fried pickle. I really wanted one. Nobody else at the table would eat them and with the whole weight watchers thing, I probably shouldn't eat more than one. All considering I was drinking away all my other points and just got a salad for dinner. So we asked nicely and the waiter decided the funny drunk girl should have a free pickle. It was good.

So after a few random text messages (which i swore off in the last post), I went to sleep and apparently drank so much that I was even dehydrated in my dreams. I guess I was supposed to be pouring water into some poor little dog's bowl, but I was too thirsty and just ended up drinking 8 things of water instead. I woke up dying of thirst.

I drove back home to the dentist, where I found out he needs to replace two old fillings. That sucks, but other than that it went well.
She thanked me for brushing well and making her life easy.

Then I met my Daytonian friend and a girl we went to HS with for lunch. Two-and-a-half hours later, we decided we should go home... but it was nice to catch up. I think it's a girls trip in the spring. WOOHOO. Either that, or they are going to come visit me in Minneapolis in the summer. We'll see.

So I am in a much less "Debby Downer" mood to quote the good dentite... and I thought I would let everyone know, as not to depress the world two days before the year of Happy.

On that note, I stopped by Half Price Books and bought a "14,000 things to be happy about" page-a-day calendar. I'm sure it's going to be cheesy and ridiculous, but it will be a daily reminder to keep up on the Year of Happy promises to myself.

That is all for today.


Anonymous said...

fried pickle...mmmmm! haha
I totally relate to the "sarcastic and misunderstood" thing. It works in person, but in print, not so much ;)


im heeeerrrrreeee!!!

Anonymous said...

So THAT'S what you need to do to get a free fried pickle! Man. I never thought about getting loaded and dropping my napkin in front of the waiter!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's going to be cheesy and ridiculous, but it will be a daily reminder to keep up on the Year of Happy promises to myself.

Hey! If it puts a smile on your face, who cares if it's cheesy!

Happy New Year!

cmeddie said...

JLEE - - - Yea, the pickle was pretty good. Second only to the fantastic taco salad. It was ridiculously good. Thanks...

I HEART - Me too.

DD - Did I mention the low cut shirt, cleavage, and "drunk girl" part of the free pickle?

Dan - That is what is important.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE... don't let 2006 go out without a fight. (and WHODEY, of course. GO RAIDERS. lol)

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

Is it 2007 yet?


ruh-roh....WHO DAT? Oh thats right, the steelers kicking ass. HAHA just kidding teiner!!! I wanted the ben-gals to win that one too!! Happy fucking new year!!!! 2007 better kick ass or i am going to be pissed!!!