Monday, October 16, 2006


Okay, so I don't often do this, especially when it comes to politics, but this whole Issue 4 thing pisses me off. It isn't because it's about tobacco either. It's because the public is totally being played.

Please read this, VOTE, and tell your friends. It's important info that no one else is telling you.

What is ISSUE 4?
It’s the tobacco company’s conniving at its finest. If you think that companies shouldn’t be rewarded for manipulating voters...

VOTE NO on Issue 4!

How it got on the ballot?
Tobacco Companies paid people to stand on street corners and get signatures on a petition. Ohioans signed petitions because they were told that they were signing a petition to get a Clean Indoor Air initiative put on the ballot. I personally know four people who signed it thinking they were going to help make Ohio smokefree. When they later learned what they really signed, they we outraged

What will it really do?
  • OVERRIDE any local Clean Indoor Air policy that was previously established via a legitimate vote. (Columbus is now a smokefree city because the voters wanted it that way. Why do I, as a Cincinnatian, have ANY right to help pass a constitutional amendment that will negate a Columbus local CIA policy? There are over 21 cities that have passed full smokefree policies that this will nullify. Similarly, if both 4 and 5 pass, 4 will override 5!
  • Create a constitutional amendment that will ALLOW smoking in adult establishments.
  • Make it virtually impossible for Ohioans to change their mind, as Issue 4 amends our Constitution.
  • Allow restaurants to maintain smoking sections, where young children can still be affected by SHS.
  • Confuse voters!

Who supports issue four?

According to (clever, eh?), Issue 4 is supported almost all by people afraid to lose money because of a ban. It's supported by those who could care less about the health of the 78.5% of Ohioans who choose to not smoke (Yes, that's 4 NON-smokers for every smoker in OHIO). A few of the supporters
(mostly tobacco companies) are listed below:
  • Cigar Association of America
  • Lorillard Tobacco Company
  • National Association of Tobacco Outlets, Inc.
  • The Ohio Licensed Beverage Association
  • Retail Tobacco Dealers Association
  • R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
  • Swisher International (Tobacco Company)

How does spin it? Here is what they say...

Q: Why are there two smoking bans on the ballot?

A: There is a strong consensus among Ohioans that some type of smoking ban is needed to protect people from unwanted exposure to tobacco smoke. But there are different opinions on how to do it. One is the more radical choice: a no-exceptions approach that bans smoking in all enclosed public spaces. That’s Issue 5. The alternative is Issue 4, which seeks to balance protection for public health with protection against overly intrusive government. Issue 4 is a fair and balanced approach that everyone can agree on.

OK, so is Issue 4 really the fair, balanced approach to smokefree laws? Not even close! It’s the tobacco companies working hard to manipulate the public even more. I support Issue 5, but that is just my choice. If you don’t want a full smoking ban, that is your choice... but then you should vote NO on both 4 and 5.

A “NO” vote on 4 shows the tobacco companies we aren't as dumb as they think we are,and lets them know we are tired of their lies and deceit.

For more information, and to make a truly educated choice - - - compare for yourself!

Again, thanks for listening, and if you agree at all PLEASE tell someone (anyone) you know!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The final countdown

46 days... just a reminder!

Get doing what you need to do to be happy in 07.

Bengals... poor Bengals.

Our boys let us down this past weekend. They LET the Pats win. The Pats played well, but they didn't actually BEAT us. The Bengals gave it away. They gave them turnovers, 3 bizillion penalties for like 4 bizillon yards, and fieldgoals on the first two drives was unacceptable.

Yes, Dan, the Bengals offensive line sucked it up last week, too. But if CP needs to keep getting hit in order to learn how to NOT fumble, then let him get hit. We left the game before the final faux-pauxs, because i couldn't stand seeing him get hit that hard with 3 minutes left and us down 4 TDs.

Along with the Offensive line and CP's issues, there was the fact that every Patriot WR or RB could pull a "# 85," and do a list of Bengals who couldn't cover them, stop them, take them down, or block them.

We looked bad boys, but I have faith. I want to say "we needed that loss." It was what we had to do and learn from to get here:

Over for another year...

So, in case you didn't know... I am not very fond of "review time" at work. I dread it actually. And not just a little, but a lot. In fact, for the whole month or two prior to the review. Every September / October, I freak out when I see my two bosses go into a room together. I bite my nails incessantly. The week before, I can often be found whining and moaning. That day, I count the minutes 'til it starts, and I sit in there, begging to change the subject or for it all to be over. Fortunately, for this year, it is OVER.

Yesterday was my review. It went fine. Basically, I was told my self-evaluation was accurate.

So why do I hate it so much? I don't take compliments well. I never have. They make me feel all awkward, and somehow more self-conscious than when I started. Nor do I like to hear what I suck at, especially when they are totally subconscious things that you now need to freak out about and pay attention to. It also doesn't matter if it is 99% good and 1% bad or 99% bad and 1% good... you always focus on the "Work-Ons".

Ughh... Anyway, it's over. I got this year's raise. I guess life is good, for now... until next September/October, when I better have fixed all those "work-ons."