Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Over for another year...

So, in case you didn't know... I am not very fond of "review time" at work. I dread it actually. And not just a little, but a lot. In fact, for the whole month or two prior to the review. Every September / October, I freak out when I see my two bosses go into a room together. I bite my nails incessantly. The week before, I can often be found whining and moaning. That day, I count the minutes 'til it starts, and I sit in there, begging to change the subject or for it all to be over. Fortunately, for this year, it is OVER.

Yesterday was my review. It went fine. Basically, I was told my self-evaluation was accurate.

So why do I hate it so much? I don't take compliments well. I never have. They make me feel all awkward, and somehow more self-conscious than when I started. Nor do I like to hear what I suck at, especially when they are totally subconscious things that you now need to freak out about and pay attention to. It also doesn't matter if it is 99% good and 1% bad or 99% bad and 1% good... you always focus on the "Work-Ons".

Ughh... Anyway, it's over. I got this year's raise. I guess life is good, for now... until next September/October, when I better have fixed all those "work-ons."



YAY raises!! Now we can go on vacation!

Stephanie said...

Do what I do: slack off for 10 months following the review. Then, in the 2 months preceding the review, bring your A+ game. Make cupcakes. Stay late. Then, on your actual review, take credit for all of your coworkers' accomplishments. Promptly return to slacking after your raise kicks in.

Of course, I don't have a job anymore. So on second thought, maybe you shouldn't do any of those things.

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

"Did you know that one of your eyes is slightly higher than the other? It doesn't effect your vision in any way, I just thought you might like to be self-conscious about it for the rest of your life."
--Brian Reagan

cmeddie said...

IHPT - Yes, money is good, so is vacation.

Doc - Maybe I will listen to the second half of that and not take your advice... ;)

AND AML - did you know I have a lazy eye, and my eyes really aren't even? I am already self-consciuos about it, but thatnks for the reminder... GEEEZ