Tuesday, December 12, 2006

19 days left PEOPLE...

It's INSANE how happy I will be in 2007. You all think I am kidding, but nope I'm not! It's all about whatever makes YOURS TRULY happy... except for food. I started WW this week. Meetings and all. Tonight was my first weigh-in. I lost 6.8 lbs. WOOHOO!

See, you don't even know me, until you know what happy me is like. Just wait. JUST WAIT.




WOOHOO TEINER!!! WTG!!! I am back on WW too!! So far so good!!!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations - you rock! I think this will be a good year.

The Absent Minded Landlord said...

I have good feelings too, although 2006 is going out with a fight.

Anonymous said...

That's thinking positive! Me? I go the low-expectations route. My 2007 will suck. That way, when my 2007 ROCKS, it'll be sweeter because I didn't expect it.

Nice blog!

Dan-O said...

Dr. Steph, you have no right to respond without posting this week. And wait, 2007??!!! When does that happen???
Must go change the XM channel again, Michael Bolton singing "When a man loves a woman".

cmeddie said...

Tooth: thank you for your cheerleading and moral support.

Doc: I hope so... your big move is sure to make life better, not worse!

AML: Heck yea, any year that ends with an arch-rival football game, and tickets in my posession is meant to make a mark!

DD: That is definately one way to look at it. And thanks!

Dan-o: Um... Are you watching the Michael Bolton ice skating championship again? And has it got control of your brain?