I am sorry that I am a slacker. Between this stupid back/rib injury from the accident and getting everything at work and at home ready for my trip to Minnesota, the last few weeks have FLOWN by. I leave "technically" in less than a week, as we will be going very early next Saturday morning. My mother is driving up with me to keep me company, so I am positive their will be fairly enlightening stories from the trip.
The stories will include something about her asking at every border we cross if "radar detectors are legal in this state." To which i will AGAIN answer, "they are only illegal in Virginia and the District of Columbia." Also fun, is that I only have my little mazda 3, and I have all the stuff I will need for my three months in MN - making the car pretty full.
She, however, is infamously a "heavy packer." (I apparently come by that naturally - for all readers / friends who have traveled with me in the past.) I have gotten MUCH MUCH better since I got my nice new luggage and started traveling so much for work. She still thinks she has to bring a foam egg crate mattress for any bed that isn't her own. So that battle will be fun. Oh and the cooler. We have to have a cooler that fits 48 drinks and foods. Even though we have to stop every few hours for gas and cant pick up a drink or two there. Ahhh, I can't wait.
Don't get me wrong. I love my mom. She is one of the greatest women alive. She just still likes to be my mom. And I like to be an adult. :)
Anyway. 11-1/2 hours according to mapquest. Triptik in hand. It should be an interesting adventure, and I hope MN brings me much more time to say hello to people around here... We'll see.
I better go pack. Hope everyone else is doing well!
Today's things to be happy about...
- My nephew's "do it again" smile and dimples
- His stopping everything he is doing (even tears) to dance
- Cranky 5-year-olds "accidentally" falling asleep and taking a highly-needed nap
- Naps, in general
- Sunny Saturday afternoons
- X-RAYS coming back negative for breaks
- Having a good drunk night out to forget the pain
- Small worlds (when your bf, his friends, and your friends all end up knowing someone who knows someone who liked someone in grade school...)
- The smell of freshly dried laundry
- 4th of July cookouts with good friends
- The strength is takes to protect our freedom
- Honoring our troops
- Hugs